How digital workforce management is supporting companies in times of crisis
Under the current challenging conditions with sudden, massive slumps in sales, it is essential to maintain orderly, economic operational processes. Markus Wieser, our Executive Director Product Management, explains how this can work.
Markus, just how can workforce management provide support in the current crisis?
First, the most important point: The risk of infection can be minimized by enabling employees to work from home, wherever possible. Despite the need to proceed as quickly as possible, one thing is very important: The process changes that are fundamental for many companies, must unfold in a sustainable manner so as to not create additional chaos. Thanks to mobile workforce management and intuitive self services, these remote working processes can be put into practice efficiently and safely, whether it's time recording from home, notification of sick leave or requesting and approving absences. At the same time, transparency is created for time accounts and holiday accounts. Here, it is once again evident that such steps are easy to implement for companies that already rely on workforce management, while for others it is virtually impossible in the short time available.
The current crisis is forcing employers and employees to find individual working time solutions at very short notice ...
Yes, that is correct. After all, the economic use of working time can be effectively supported by various flexibilization instruments. This is where the proposals currently recommended by our authorities come into play: individual coordination of working hours and holidays in consultation with employees. Professional software solutions for time management and workforce management are a major help in this situation.
Such solutions document accumulated time credits, remaining holidays, overtime and bonuses transparently and form the basis for the optimized, efficient planning and management of employees. If there are no positive balances or overtime, negative time accounts can be set up and reduced again at a later date. In any case, this provides some extra flexibility. It is also possible to agree on temporary part-time work or short-time work. In order to survive the current crisis situation, it is essential that both companies and employees are prepared to be flexible – and digital workforce management provides crucial support in this context.
In order to survive the current crisis situation, it is essential that both companies and employees are prepared to be flexible.
What happens if, despite all precautions, a corona case occurs in the company?
In this case, too, we can help a little bit by ensuring an efficient and safe handling of the situation. Quarantine or infection per employee can be documented simply – and can be readily tracked and traced at all times.

Home office, short-time work or the management of flexible working hours. These measures can be implemented efficiently and legally compliant with digital workforce management. Find out more in our factsheet.
It looks as if workforce management is gaining importance in many industries and sectors, especially right now ...
Yes, indeed, in this current, exceptional situation we have the opportunity to help our customers in keeping their business operations running as smoothly as possible. Many of our customers operate in healthcare, the public sector, retail and logistics. These are all sectors that hold essential social significance. This is what drives and inspires us, and makes our work all the more meaningful and relevant.