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Are you balanced?
Productivity | | 5 Min.

The Balanced Labor Market Act (in Dutch: WAB) is a new law that became effective in the Netherlands in January 2020. In the following blog we would like to inform you about the most important facts. Have fun reading.

A view from the kitchen table
Logistics | | 8 Min.

How is the logistics sector affected by the current crisis? We take a look at how companies are dealing with the special situation and which factors are important. Enjoy reading our newest blog post.

The Roaring 2020's…
Technology | | 5 Min.

Which trends will determine the market for workforce management in the coming years? We talked about this with our Executive Director Product Management, Markus Wieser. Enjoy reading.

Take the chance now!
Working Environment | | 7 Min.

During the crisis, measures taken by New Work make a significant contribution to maintaining orderly business operations. How should companies act right now? In conversation with Marc Wagner.

Hey HR! Re-Think New Work!!
Working Environment | | 2 Min.

In this article we explain why the crisis has shown us what went wrong at New Work. And we show how workforce management can help create flexibility and work-life balance. Enjoy reading.

The course to logistics 4.0
Logistics | | 5 Min.

Digitization is one of the main challenges logistics is facing. This also includes the optimization and automation of HR processes. Our article elucidates the four dimensions of optimized shift planning.